Experience is awarded for defeating opponents and for completing special tasks throughout the adventure. When you are awarded experience it is added to the number shown in the PCs information sheet. The current experience is shown as a negative number. When you gain experience, it is added to the negative number. When the total shown goes above zero, the PC has gained enough knowledge and skills to advance to the next level. The experience total will then be lowered by the amount required to gain the next level.
New PCs start at Level 1. Different classes require different amounts of experience to achieve certain levels. For the amount needed by different classes to achieve various levels, see "ADVANCEMENT CHARTS" in the appendix.
NOTE: Only PCs that are conscious at the time the experience is awarded will receive the experience. For example, if at the end of battle the total amount of experience is 1000 pts, and only 5 of the 6 party members are conscious, each of the 5 members will receive 200 points each and the unconscious member will receive nothing. PCs that run from battle do not receive experience either.
Sometimes your PC may perform actions that awards them experience immediately.
• Clerics and paladins that destroy an undead by attempting to turn them will receive 75 experience points per level of the monster.
• Clerics and paladins that turn an undead by attempting to turn them will receive 150 experience points per level of the monster.
• Thieves and monks who are success at disarming a trap or picking a lock will receive 300 experience points per tumbler. Each of the colored lines that moves is representative of a tumbler. Example: If a thief picks a lock with 4 lines, that thief will receive 1200 experience points.
• Anybody who is successful in bending bars/forcing door will receive 300 experience points per level of difficulty of the bars/door. Example: If a fighter forces a door with 4 lines, that fighter will receive 1200 experience points.
For a table and a couple of examples of how experience is awarded for defeating monsters, see the appendix of tables near the end of this manual.